Thursday, March 31, 2011

Awkward feeling

  So you know how there are those special moments, when your child will do something and your just so dang proud of them that all you want to do is share it to the world about how cool your child is, well this is not one of those moments for me. I’m still willing to share the moment though, well I should say moments.
  Now I don’t know if it’s just my child but she has this weird habit slash problem with growling at babies. For example, we are at the mall sitting enjoying food or what not, if a child who is in a stroller or walking or being carried or whatever passes by, she stops whatever she is doing to stare them down, follow them with her eyes and yell and do this weird growl thing. I by the way did not teach her that. It’s honestly pretty funny so that’s why I feel the need to share it but it is odd bottom-line. I thought the first couple times she was just practicing with her vocal cords but I noticed it with every child. It can actually be pretty much anywhere on the tv, at the store, looking at a magazine.
  It’s very cute though. She laughs afterwards. I’m pretty sure she just doesn’t know what to do when she see’s people the same height as her. It’s sad that growling is the first thing that comes to mind for her, but hey different strokes for different folks right? Also it’s a very good story to hold over her head when she is a teenager and I need to embarrass her in front of friends. Oh yeah it’s going down.
  Is there anything random that your child does that you have stored in your memory that you will hold over their head until they have their own children. Let me know below I love hearing kid stories so I know my child isn’t the only odd one.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unnecessary things

Thinking is one of the biggest things that you do when your pregnant. What the baby will look like, what sleepless nights might feel like,what you want to eat, but most of all things you feel you really have to buy for the baby. Before i start this i would like to say this is only my opinion. Different strokes is for different folks. I would like the yelling to be held to a minimum please and thank you. I'm going to give you a top 10 list for both sides, so that should be fair, 10 things i loved and 10 things i could have lived without and a quick brief on why(this list is also for the first 6months of life).I'll start off with what i loved. In no particular order:

10: baby activity center: We put liyah in this when she was about i dont know five months and she loves it still and shes almost eight months old.It spins and allows her to jump so it keeps her busy for at least thirty minutes

9: boopy or the knock off: I was a breastfeeding mommy who had a c-section, so to have a pillow made specifically to help feed her was nice but when she is learning to sit up its also nice because you can prop the baby up. Its really nice to have.

8: Raffi: singable songs for the very young. Obviously they cant sing along with the music and im not always playing this but when its bath time for her it's nice background music. It helps them recognize that its bath time because its somthing similar and it just never hurts to be too kid friendly at such a young age

7: baby bath: Mind you my daughter will be 8months in a couple weeks. Shes not huge and i was kind of scared to put her in the bath tub. It helped so much because you dont have to worry about slipping and sliding it was nice.

6: bibs: when she use to just spit up all the time i didn't really care about bibs. When i started feeding her regular food is when it became all bad. Especially when she eats sweet potatoes. Why, i dont know but thats the food that she tend to get on her clothes. So breast milk just comes out in a wash real food, not so much so bibs are a must. Fancy ones aren't important either. I found its better to just get plain ones in different colors then ones that have words and sayings on them.

5: Nursing bra. I know this sounds silly specially if you have decided your breastfeeding. I didn't think it would matter that much so i actually never bought a nursing bra until i had a horrible first experience in public. I wont go into that but trust it comes in hand.

4: Nursing apron. Somebody actually gave it to me and i didn't think anything of it but it came into handy. You can always use a blanket it but its nice that it just hangs on your neck.

3: Johnson and Johnson bedtime bath: So lavender has something in it that helps soothe the body. It would knock  Jaliyah out in no time. I seriously have about a ten minute window from when i take her out the bath to when she needs to be in bed because she gets so dang tired. I love this stuff.

2: Plain white socks. Your probably thinking "ummm ok this is random" but its not, i promise. As cute as those little socks are that says" mommies champ" or some random saying. your better off with just plain white socks. Its seriously not even funny how fast and often your little one will lose that lovely sock and then your stuck without a matching pair.

1: Butt paste or diaper rash ointment.: Liyah didn't catch to many rashes so far yet but that actually works really well on there neck when it gets really icky because it traps milk and other weird stuff there.

Now for me to become a hater

10: Infant carseats. Now i know that you need these but dang it i hate em. So much work to carry my child in and out the car in. Thank heavens she no longer needs to be in it.

9: Non Cosco wipes: I know this may sound a little silly but the packaging for there wipes and the amount and the price just works way better for me then anything else out there. You get a pack of 900 that divide off into packs of 100 and it only cost 18 dollars before tax. When i use other wipes they dry out cost to much and not nearly enough comes in the back only like 64 or so.

8: Toys: ok i dont hate toys but i defiantly wouldn't buy any until your kid is actually born because you seriously don't know what they will like. You will save so much money. To be honest, the simpler the better. The toys that helped built motor skills, like the rings or something along those lines, work out way better then the stuff that lights up

7: Child developing books: we have like a love hate relationship. They help you learn but they freak you out so much because if your child isn't doing what they say they should be doing in the book you freak out.

6: shoes: They don't even use them, they cant walk, and depending on the shoe it can actually be bad for the baby because the weight of the shoe and all that good stuff.

5: Bouncer: Honestly you can have one or the other and the baby swing worked better then bouncer. if you want a chair i guess this ok kind of but its just a waste of space in my opinion

4: pullover sweatshirts:they;re cute on a baby but my daughter was so uncomfortable until she got older

3: diaper genie: In my opinion its just a lazy way of throwing away diapers. If you have a poopy diaper you can buy these little disposable baggies made for diapers at the dollar store that come in a pack of 75 or even better just take your trash out every night.

2: baby detergent: I am a person with very sensitive skin so this is one of the things i asked for because i thought my child would be the same. It didn't make a difference though so since she was about a month old shes been using regular detergent. Granted not all babies will be like this but it seriously wouldnt hurt to try. It can end up saving you alot of money.

1: Stilettos: I am the kind of girl who loves heels and loves looking cute but do you know how uncoordinated you are after you have a baby? ill tell you very. I feel like ill never be the same but my opinion to alternative is wedges or really cute boots. They help in the balance department, they're cute, and when the little one gets a little older and you have to start chasing them around its something that is much safer.

Hope you enjoyed my long count down list. feel free to list some products you liked or didn't like for that matter.

Cleaning never wins

So i have confession to make. Cleaning is NOT my forte. I had this wonderful idea that because i magically pushed out a baby that i was going to grow this love towards cleaning. I guess i was smoking crack when the idea came about because believe you me that is not the case. BUT i have to admit i have gotten better and for anybody who has the same i thought i would come up with a couple of things to maybe help.

Get containers or a storage unit for pretty much everything. The more divided things are for some reason the easier(at least for me) it is to store things and put them back. It doesn't really matter where you get the items.( Walmart, Target, Walgreens. Anywhere really) You don't have to get the plain ole' white and clear plastic stuff either, stores make them in so many colors now its not even funny.

My next helpful tip: Do small projects at a time. I always have the problem of getting overwhelmed because I always want to take on to many projects. Baby Steps in the key. Small projects and then put yourself on a time limit. Say Your going to clean off this shelf and then give yourself thirty minutes to do so. It's hard at first because you just want to get it all done but you'll start feeling accomplished because things are slowly but surely getting done.

Now this is probably going to sound silly saying because if it was easy everyone would be doing it but putting stuff away as you go. I kid you not it takes more time to leave something on the bed and have to clean it later compared to the 2seconds it will take you to just put it away. Semi on this subject I have learned that when i tend to not put things away right afterwards a great alternative is to do a "final sweep". Believe me that final sweep does wonders. After you have put the baby down just do that quick sweep around the house that will honestly take two minutes before you do anything else. Say you didnt get to the dishes or clean the bathroom completely atleast if some random person drops by the next morning your place doesn't look like a tornado of toys came crashing through your house.

Now mind you half of these idea's aren't completely mine. I had a lot of help from my lovely mother. I did want to share them though(the idea's). As simple as they are they have helped me tremendously. I know i also didn't touch on every subject but i hope i helped out atleast a tiny bit( or gave you a good laugh atleast)
Feel free to leave comments if you have any helpful hints.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bath time

So being a mother you get to experience odd things that will make great stories later in life. Today will be one of those times :-).
So i have to admit i still you the baby tub because im just so dang scared of my child being in the big bath tub but today i said to myself "aye she needs to be a big girl and start practicing in the big tub." So got everything together go the little kid music playing the the bathroom got the bubbles in the tub, sat her down. She was doing so good. Didn't look like she was going to fall. She seemed a little hesitant but who wouldn't be right? So im washing her, yay she discovers the bubbles. So cute shes going to play with i thought. This little girl took it to herself to eat the bubbles and drink the water. In the middle of me washing her hair on top of trying to rinse her hair out but she moves and has water dripping down her face because she wants to lean forward so she can get to her hand quicker so she can suck the crap out of it because according to her the bubbles are like the best invention of food ever. So i take her out we head to the bedroom. I put her on the bed and she just has this biggest grin in the world like she had the best time ever. As long as she doesn't die from bubble poisoning im ok too