Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liyah's first halloween

Even though liyah is only three months old I, for some odd reason had high hope for her for her first halloween experience. In my mind I was going to take her out to about five house get some cute pictures of her holding her halloween bag and then go home pass out candy while i ate hers. Sadly that isn't what happened. She defiantly didn't take a nap for some reason that day so when it came time to start getting her ready she was really cranky and over all just being a really big booger. I did get to take pictures but even that was too much for her because after 10minutes she passed out. 
                                             I was a 80's diva while she represented for the 70's
This is my brother and sister taking her trick or treating for me. It counts as trick or treating even if its at our own house right?
This is what happens to someone when they work so hard to take pictures.You just pass out. 

So after feeling sad that she wasn't going to make it outside. I decided not to dwell on it because I atleast got lovely pictures. So my sister and her friends were still getting ready to go out, they started taking pictures and i said to myself "hey im dressed up too i want so more pictures :-)". So these next pictures Liyah is totally knocked out in but i really wanted to be part of the crowd. You might wonder " Yvonne why didn't you put the poor baby down" and i will simply say "Do you want to deal with a cranky baby". My daughter likes to stay in the same position she falls asleep in. For example if your holding her and you try to put her down on the bed or something she will wake up five minutes later. So with that being sad i make sure shes were i want her to be when she passes out. 
From left to right: Alexis who is a hip hop dancer, Jessica who is a bumble bee and well you already know who I am. These our my little sisters. I know I know Im short don't judge me :-). 
                     C.J was farmer Joe. Why Alexis was all the way in no mans land,only she knows.
The extra people in this picture are my sisters friends. Why my sister insisted on wearing those boots only jesus could tell you. 

I love these pictures though because out of all the moving around I did and the laughter that was going on, this little girl was passed out and did not wake up until i decided to put her down. She doesn't realize that shes not very light at all. 
Halloween was very fun for me though. I stayed home with my mom and step dad and played Texas holdem passed out candy to little kids who were adorable. I need to add that there actually weren't that many kids for us this year,which was odd. I know my halloween night might not have sound that fun to some of you but it was a very nice night for me. Something about being a mommy has made me enjoy simple things more. I didn't care about not going to any parties or how uncool it sounded for hanging out with my parents. I was just happy i have pictures for Jaliyah so that when shes old she can look back and smile on. Something i know   I know I won't be doing for years to come is spending tons of money on costumes. Her outfit cost me like $5.00 and she looked fabulous in my opinion. There is no need to spend tons of money on at outfit thats only going to be worn for one day.
