Saturday, October 23, 2010



Now i know every mom has their own labor story, but since this is my blog i thought it would only be right if i told MY story hehe yay.
So the baby was due August 2nd but of course she didn't come on time. The third of August came along and we had a doctors appointment. When I got checked to see how far along i was,it was exposed that i was already 3cm. It was exciting to find out because i thought i was having braxton hicks but it was actual contractions. So since i was dilated and i was over due my doctor thought it would be a bright idea to scrap my cervix. Let me tell you it didn't feel good. After that point i was having contractions, granted it didn't hurt in the beginning it was exciting to know i was in labor. 
My mom decided to come over the next day and start her stay so that when Jason was at work i wouldn't be home alone. On the third i was having contractions and they were about 8minutes apart they were getting a little a little bit more painful but i was still able to go to sleep peacefully. So the 4th comes around and my mom tells me that she wants me to have this baby so she takes me to the mall so i can walk around and she will hopefully pop out. Her idea did work kind of. My contractions by the end of that trip were coming a little harder which was a mix of emotions, half exciting the other half extremely nervous. Because I was in labor i decided not to eat because i heard you can throw up and all that good stuff and i didn't want to do any of that.  So by the end of the mall trip all i had was a piece of toast and a smoothie. The day was starting to come to a close and there was still no baby and my contractions were getting stronger. I was at 6minutes apart and i was just waiting until it finally made it down to 3minutes apart. Sadly that never came, i went through the whole night with really bad contractions that i maintained very well, but because they were so strong in my opinion i couldn't get myself to fall asleep. My mom and I spent all night trying to time them but the contractions would never become consistent or anything which was very frustrating. Finally 6:40am came along and i decided that i was just going to go in and just pray that they don't send me home.
When i got to the hospital i was in triage for about 20minutes,they checked the vitals and found out I was 5cm  dilated. I was so excited to find that out and one of the first questions out my mouth was "When can I get some drugs." Luckily,because i was dilated i was allowed to have them whenever I wanted them. My goal was to go as long as i could with out them so i took a narcotic that eased the pain first but didnt take it way completely and was able to doze off for about 20minutes or so. It started to wear off so then i decided to try the jetted tub which was super relaxing not painless but it also eased the pain. I was in there for a good hour. Let me tell you I wish i had one of those tubs at my house.
When i got out of the tub i got checked to see how far i was. I was 6 almost 7cm dilated which was exciting because to me this was going by very fast. So thats when i decided to get an epidural because since i was moving alone so swiftly and my water hadn't broken yet the nurse wanted me to be nice and drugged up so i wouldn't feel anything. She was my favorite. I was expecting the big needle in my back to hurt like crazy like everyone was talking about, but to be honest being in labor for so long was nothing compared to that feeling. So by the time i got the epidural it was like one o'clock i think. I just know i had been at the hospital for awhile already. After i finally got the medication in my system it was so nice to relax. I hadn't really had any sleep and if i dosed off it would only be for about 20minutes if that at a time. I had tons of family in the room with me and in the waiting room, It was really nice having all the support i was having. So i was moving pretty quickly when it came to dilating but when i got dilated at 9cm for some reason i couldn't get past that point. After waiting and waiting and waiting the doctor finally told me i had to get a c-section. The reason was because her head was so low that she was resting on my cervix and made it swollen making it harder for it to open up. I'm not even going to lie to you guys. I cried my eyes out. I had been in labor going on two days, it was nine or ten o'clock by the time they wanted to share this kind of news with me. I just have heard that women who get c-sections have a very hard time recovering and the idea of not being able to take care of my baby scared the living daylights out of me. After the doctor cracked a few jokes and my mom and husband made me feel better and reassured me that i wasn't being a failure i finally got ready for the procedure. They unhooked the good old drugs and pushed me down to the delivery room. I was so scared, I didn't know what to expect. I'm so thankful i had Jason by my side. I did NOT want to be in there without him. That was a horrible experience. They had me strapped down with no medication in my system yet because the doctor had to go run off and help somebody else first oh my geeze. The nurses were talking about shoes and stuff i didn't really care to hear about all i wanted was this pain to stop. So finally after the dotor was found we finally got this party started. They were giving me some kind of drug that was suppose to make me numb from the stomach down but because i didn't have any food in my system it made me through up a tad bit, which let me tell you is very hard to do when your legs are strapped down and you can barely turn to the side to do. So  after 30 thousand  attempts to makes sure i was numb, my child's delivery was under way. What ever drug i was on put me out of it so much oh my geeze. I tried to focus on Jason so much but my eyes couldn't really stay open. After about 15-20minutes you hear this baby start crying and I see Jason shoot up out of his seat. The nurse told me that the baby was finally hear and the first thing that came out my mouth was "It's still a girl right?" When i was pregnant i had a fear that i bought all this girl stuff and i would end up having a boy even though they told me i was having a girl. Anywho, i started crying after that comment. I just couldn't believe she was actually here. I couldn't hold her like i wanted to so the pictures we took we very awkward.  
Thats the best we could get. So you would think i would be very concerned about my child but the next question i asked the nurse when heading back to the room was "So can i eat now?" You guys just don't understand how hungry i was. Jaliyah Eileen Thomas was not born unitl 10:47pm. I went through two days of labor with hardly any food i was starving. It took a good 30minutes before the family was allowed into the room. I couldn't believe she was here or how pasty white she was, or how much hair she had. It was amazing jason didn't know what to do with himself, i loved it. The hospital was great, tons of family came to visit and friends also. It was all a blur i really tried to catch up on sleep but was hard with all the people who wanted to talk to me. It was annoying at time..the nurses coming in every hour and checking up on here and all the people trying to make me feel paper work out at like 8:30 in the morning. Because i was recovering so well i actually got to go home a tad bit early which was nice because i really wanted to be home, I hated just sitting in a bed all day with nothing really to do. We got there 7:00am Thursday Morning and was able to leave Sunday afternoon.


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