Jaliyah has a love for animals that is very hard to describe. For example when we are walking through the neighborhood, she will try to sing and talk to all the animals she sees. Even if the dog is parking it's little heart out, none of that bothers her. She just loves animals.
There is a cat that has no home that walks around the neighborhood and some how my daughter and the cat have become best friends. The cat comes to the dog meowing for her and scratching at the door for her. Its cool and creepy all at once. Creepy because we have never fed the cat, so it really is just coming over to play with Liayh.
Wanting some love |
Follow me please, child |
Liyah named the cat Kitty, pretty simple right? I decided to Liyah take on a walk since it wasn't raining today. When we started walking around the neighborhood though, we had a follower. Liyah found it funny and kept saying "coming".
It was a fun walk. The cat didn't stay the whole trip. We passed by a house with five dogs behind the fence and it scared it off. We had a nice walk around the neighborhood though, we picked flowers, we went to the park, ate lunch in the front yard and kicked the ball in the front yard. It was a nice relaxing Sunday.
She wanted to wear a flower in her hair today |
Playing kick the ball |
Aunty is helping her pick flowers |
Pretty Flower |
She loves cheese |
This is her protesting because I said "Time to go" |
Stinky face because we have to leave |
I love her stinky face, it shows she has spirit..