Thursday, March 31, 2011

Awkward feeling

  So you know how there are those special moments, when your child will do something and your just so dang proud of them that all you want to do is share it to the world about how cool your child is, well this is not one of those moments for me. I’m still willing to share the moment though, well I should say moments.
  Now I don’t know if it’s just my child but she has this weird habit slash problem with growling at babies. For example, we are at the mall sitting enjoying food or what not, if a child who is in a stroller or walking or being carried or whatever passes by, she stops whatever she is doing to stare them down, follow them with her eyes and yell and do this weird growl thing. I by the way did not teach her that. It’s honestly pretty funny so that’s why I feel the need to share it but it is odd bottom-line. I thought the first couple times she was just practicing with her vocal cords but I noticed it with every child. It can actually be pretty much anywhere on the tv, at the store, looking at a magazine.
  It’s very cute though. She laughs afterwards. I’m pretty sure she just doesn’t know what to do when she see’s people the same height as her. It’s sad that growling is the first thing that comes to mind for her, but hey different strokes for different folks right? Also it’s a very good story to hold over her head when she is a teenager and I need to embarrass her in front of friends. Oh yeah it’s going down.
  Is there anything random that your child does that you have stored in your memory that you will hold over their head until they have their own children. Let me know below I love hearing kid stories so I know my child isn’t the only odd one.

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